Cut your carbon

How do you effectively cut your carbon footprint? We help you reduce carbon emissions in a strategic and practical way. It’s how footprint reduction becomes easy and (almost) fun.

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What's included

Deze training is opgedeeld in 6 modules/6 weken. Elke week kan je een nieuwe module openenen. En de training en bijbehorende opdrachten uitvoeren.

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6 Video Lessons

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How do you effectively cut your carbon footprint? We help you reduce carbon emissions in a strategic and practical way. It’s how footprint reduction becomes easy and (almost) fun.

With our carbon approach, we guide you step by step. From baseline to your carbon hotspots. We’ll deliver a clear strategy & roadmap. For you to start reducing impact tomorrow. With measures pointing at both shorter and longer term.

If needed, we can coach you with implementation. Or plan a training with your team for a successful kick-start.

  • Baseline Define where you are now, based on data. Find out what you already know, do and where you want to go (set an ambition).
  • Hotpots Define hotspots in (and outside) your organization. The hotspots are the elements that matter most. We turn these into a carbon impact matrix.
  • Strategy & roadmap Translate hotspots to strategic programs. Then build a roadmap with measures: a concrete plan with what to do, why, when, and how.
  • Impact Effectively implementing your strategy always leads to impact. We can coach you, train your team(s) or just be around for questions.
Our goal? Making progress, while ensuring perfectionism doesn’t get between you and progress.

We made it easy for you.

Are you struggling to find an approach that fits you right? ‘Cut your carbon’ will get you going.


  1. 00 (Free) Intake

  2. 01 Baseline

  3. 02 Hotpots - your carbon impact matrix

  4. 03 Strategy - with roadmap & measures

  5. 04 Coaching for impact (optional)

About this tool

  • €4500 - €9500
  • 4 - 7 days (on average)
  • Format: Tailormade
What others said

“I must honestly say that I was quite dreading it, but this way it almost becomes fun!”

Michiel (Finance Manager), Ferney Group

“Thanks, for a perfect training session. It has caused a lot of discussion, as you’ve seen. It’s only a good thing, that we see it’ll take time, energy and consultation to take the right steps from here…”

Mark (Buying Director) Ferney Group

Why take this training?

Insight into your current (product) footprint

Collect, organize and analyze data. What does your CO2 footprint contain?

Personalized hotspot matrix

Focus on what matters most: where most impact is and where you can make a difference.

Carbon strategy with actionable roadmap & measures

Define where to start, how, with whom and what you need.

a tailored strategy

Dependent on your needs, we find a tailored and actionable approach. We’ll work with the data that’s there. We’ll define data gaps if relevant. We can include automated product footprint calculations.

  • Our partner ROOT. is our expert buddy to create scalable scope 3 and product footprint calculations.
  • Together we’ll define the scope and bigger ambition.
  • Finding the approach that challenges you, but also suits you best.

Plan a call

Did we trigger something, but do you want to know more first?
Feel free to plan a call and we’ll discuss how this would look like for your organisation.

Schedule a call


Lana Buunk

Impact Strategist

Strategic sustainability expert and (carbon) hotspot hunter. Excited about getting people to see impactful opportunities. Coaches you towards it. She’ll be guiding you to start today, because rather (imperfect) today than (perfect) tomorrow. Can assure you that data & knowledge grow while you go.

starter pack

  • Baseline

  • Hotspot analysis

  • Strategy - with roadmap & measures


Ambassador Team

  • Baseline

  • Hotspot analysis

  • Strategy - with roadmap & measures

  • Training session with your team

  • Ownership model


Get to progress

  • Key point number one

  • Baseline

  • Hotspot analysis

  • Strategy - with roadmap & measures

  • Training session with your team

  • Ownership model

  • Coaching (progression meetings, implementation support)


They took this journey before you