Step-by-step Impact Report Tool

Time to communicate about your
sustainability efforts through an impact report.But where to start? Which stories and data to share?

With this step-by-step tool we create your 5-8 page impact report.

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Are you struggling to create an professional impact report?
We made it easy for you.
From data collection to design

We take you step by step through the process of creating a professional impact report. We use an in dept online questionnaire to ask you about all your impact efforts. Our impact strategists review all the qualitative and quantitative data and our copywriter turn this into an easy-to-read report.

From data collection to design

  1. 1. Preparation - Introduction & examples of data collection and story mining

  2. 2. Data Collection & story mining

  3. 3. Data analysis & Copywriting

  4. 4. Design - Option 1: By Canva template (do it yourself)

  5. 5. Design - Option 2: tailor made (by professional designer)

Ready to publish package

  • €2.950,00

What's included

Deze training is opgedeeld in 6 modules/6 weken. Elke week kan je een nieuwe module openenen. En de training en bijbehorende opdrachten uitvoeren.

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