Cut your carbon
Course • 5 lessons7 days | Tailormade | Coaching
Impact Report Tool
Course • 4 lessonsStep-by-step tool to create your 5-8 page impact report.
Anti-Greenwashing training
Course • 42 lessons6 online modules | 18 uur training | 6 oefeningen | 2 checklists
Customers’ view
Digital download •1 hour| Dialogue | Workbook
CSRD made easy
Course • 4 lessonsComing soon!
Step-by-step diversity, equity and inclusion plan
Course • 5 lessons8 months | Tailormade | Coaching | Workshop
20W Sustainability Manager
Course • 105 lessonsComing soon
Sustainability dilemmas
Digital download •1 hour| Dialogue | Workbook
Whistleblower Policy
Digital download •6 hours | Do-it-yourself handbook | English
With our courses and tools, big and small, you are stepping up your sustainability game in no time.
Training & tools
Meet your instructors

Marle Engbers
Impact Strategist
Marle is known for her enthusiastic energy and expertise in complex sustainability challenges. Marle uses her experienced lens on organisational culture and behaviour to truly match the sustainability strategy and impact topics with the company's DNA. Experience from listed companies to scale-ups, gave her a keen and broad understanding of challenges and opportunities when it comes to sustainable innovation and change.

Lana Buunk
Impact Strategist
Strategic sustainability expert and (carbon) hotspot hunter. Excited about getting people to see impactful opportunities. Coaches you towards it. She’ll be guiding you to start today, because rather (imperfect) today than (perfect) tomorrow. Can assure you that data & knowledge grow while you go.

Margreet van Schaijck
Brand Strategist
Brand Strategist who believes that companies have the power to create positive social and environmental change. She helps businesses develop a clear impact vision and uses her expertise in behavioural change to create campaigns that move people. With her international experience in brand positioning and activism, Margreet can help your brand become a meaningful platform for change, and bend history in the right direction.